photo of 3 bed House for sale in ADRIERS

3 bed House for sale in ADRIERS

€ 117,700

For Sale - Renovated 3 Bed House - Adriers - Vienne - AGENCY FEES PAID BY SELLERFor sale is this perfectly renovated 3-bedroom house with Garden in a hamlet at the edge of the village of Adriers in the Vienne Nouvelle Aquitaine.This house has been updated and turned into an exceptionally bright, spacious and desirable property, ideal for holiday or permanent living. You can see as you approach this end of terrace property that it is well maintained and looked after, and once inside that feeling remains with you as you enter nicely designed open plan living space, with a central staircase to the first floor.The house is in a hamlet at the edge of the village of Adriers which has a general store/bar, post office, doctors, chemist, boulangerie and village lake with park. It is an excellent holiday or permanent home and in my opinion at a very competitive price, considering the amount of work that has been done over the past year or so.You enter the house into the kitchen area, which is fully fitted with new cooker and hob and has a fireplace where you could add a wood or pellet burning fire; to your left with a central staircase in front of you and a living/dining room area on the right of it. Along the front wall you have 3 double windows meaning this house is full of light. To the end of the kitchen is a door which leads into the laundry room, which has doors into a storage room with the hot water heater in it (this is wired to automatically benefit from cheap rate electricity for heating) a further door into a downstairs toilet with hand basin and double doors into the cellar. You also have double doors out to the side of the house.Upstairs you have a good size landing area which could easily accommodate an office/computer area. To the right you have a door into the main bedroom; which is huge and has its own bathroom with roll top bath; double vanity unit and wc; you have space in this room to incorporate a shower area and a dressing area; the owners decided to stop at this point but have left it so you can continue if you wish.To the back of the landing are steps leading to a second corridor which has 2 further bedrooms and a shower room, with hand basin and wc.Outside the house you have two outbuildings on the side ideal for log stores/storage; to the back is a trip of land around 5 x 3m, with access from the road. To the side of the house is an area adequate for parking and to the front of the row of terraces you have a private access for all with gardens directly in front of each house. The garden is approximately 17 x 15m so around 255m2The whole plot including the house is 603m2Adriers, is a popular and lively village, which has a general store/bar/eatery, a bakery, a post office, and a pharmacy together with a very good English-speaking doctor. It would be wrong not to mention that it is one of the very few villages I pass through on a Sunday morning where everything seems to be open, and I can grab a coffee!Getting to the area is easy with flights from many UK airports. The larger towns of L'Isle Jourdain, Lussac-les-Chateaux and Montmorillon with all their shopping, bars, restaurants, and amenities are 13, 21 and 24 minutes away respectively; but you need not venture from Adriers should you prefer just to relax and unwind.Lussac-les-Chateaux and Montmorillon have train stations with links to Limoges and Poitiers; the latter providing cross platform TGV connections to Paris, Bordeaux and other French cities plus Brussels and London (via Lille).Limoges and Poitiers airport and train station are both around a one-hour drive away.The house is double glazed and insulated with mains water, electricity and drainage; and the rooms have had electrical points (4 core) fitted to accommodate oil filled electric radiators.Ground FloorKitchen/Living/Dining Room - 9 x 5.3m with half tiled and half laminated floor, integrated kitchen, kitchen island, door and 3 double windows to the front of the house, door to the laundry room and stairs to the first floor.Laundry Area - 3.9 x 4.7 narrowing to 2.3m with plumbing for washer, double door to side of property and doors to Cave, WC and Storage Room.Cave/Cellar - 5.3 x 4.7m with insulated ceiling and dirt floor.WC -1.3 x 1.6m with handbasinStoreroom - 1.8 x 1.1m with 200L water heater which is wired into the system so it can economise on cheap rate electricity for water heating.Stairs from the main room lead to:First FloorLanding - 3.3 x 2.5m, with plenty of space for a computer/office area.Bedroom 1 - 4.1 x 5.4m and 4.8 x 5.4m (narrowing to 1.6m) This room runs the full length of the front of the house and has 2 single windows, exposed beans and A-frame; a wood floor in the bedroom area and a tiled bathroom area, together with a roll top bath, a double vanity unit and a toilet. It has plenty space and has been designed so if needed a shower can be added.A few steps from the landing lead to a corridor with:Bedroom 2 - 4.6 x 4.4m with window to the back of property.Shower Room - 4.4 x 1.7m with vinyl floor, exposed beam, double window to the back of the house; shower cubicle, vanity unit with hand basin and WCBedroom 3 - 3.3 x 2.7m with double window to the side of the propertyOutsideOutbuildings - Attached on the side of the house; ideal for log stores/storageLand - 5 x 3m to the back of the house, with access from the road.Parking - To the side of the house is an area adequate for parking.Garden - to the front of the house approximately 17 x 15m so around 255m2The whole plot including the house is 603m2Zu verkaufen - Renoviertes 3-Bett-Haus - Adriers - VienneZum Verkauf steht dieses perfekt renovierte 3-Schlafzimmer-Haus mit Garten in einem Weiler am Rande des Dorfes Adriers in der Vienne Nouvelle Aquitaine.Dieses Haus wurde modernisiert und in eine aussergewohnlich helle, geraumige und begehrte Immobilie verwandelt, ideal fur den Urlaub oder das standige Wohnen. Sie konnen sehen, wenn Sie sich diesem Reihenendhaus nahern, dass es gut erhalten und gepflegt ist, und wenn Sie erst einmal drinnen sind, bleibt dieses Gefuhl bei Ihnen, wenn Sie in den schon gestalteten offenen Wohnbereich mit einer zentralen Treppe zum ersten Stock eintreten.Das Haus befindet sich in einem Weiler am Rande des Dorfes Adriers, das uber einen Gemischtwarenladen, eine Bar, ein Postamt, rzte, eine Apotheke, eine Backerei und einen Dorfsee mit Park verfugt. Es ist ein ausgezeichnetes Ferien- oder Dauerwohnsitz und meiner Meinung nach zu einem sehr wettbewerbsfahigen Preis, wenn man die Menge an Arbeit, die im letzten Jahr oder so getan wurde.Sie betreten das Haus in den Kuchenbereich, der komplett mit einem neuen Herd und Kochfeld ausgestattet ist und einen Kamin hat, in dem Sie einen Holz- oder Pelletkamin einbauen konnen; zu Ihrer Linken befindet sich eine zentrale Treppe und rechts davon ein Wohn-/Esszimmerbereich. Entlang der vorderen Wand haben Sie 3 Doppelfenster, was bedeutet, dass dieses Haus voller Licht ist. Am Ende der Kuche befindet sich eine Tur, die in die Waschkuche fuhrt, die wiederum Turen zu einem Abstellraum hat, in dem sich der Warmwasserbereiter befindet (dieser ist so verkabelt, dass er automatisch von gunstigem Strom fur die Heizung profitiert), eine weitere Tur zu einer Toilette im Erdgeschoss mit Handwaschbecken und Doppelturen zum Keller. Es gibt auch Flugelturen zur Seite des Hauses.Im Obergeschoss befindet sich ein geraumiger Flur, in dem man leicht ein Buro oder einen Computerraum einrichten konnte. Auf der rechten Seite befindet sich eine Tur zum Hauptschlafzimmer, das riesig ist und uber ein eigenes Badezimmer mit Badewanne, doppeltem Waschtisch und WC verfugt; in diesem Raum ist Platz fur einen Duschbereich und einen Ankleidebereich.Auf der Ruckseite des Flurs fuhren Stufen zu einem zweiten Korridor mit 2 weiteren Schlafzimmern und einem Duschraum mit Handwaschbecken und WC.Ausserhalb des Hauses befinden sich zwei Nebengebaude an der Seite, die sich ideal als Holzlager eignen; auf der Ruckseite befindet sich ein ca. 5 x 3 m grosses Grundstuck mit Zugang von der Strasse. An der Seite des Hauses befindet sich eine Flache, die zum Parken geeignet ist, und an der Vorderseite der Terrassenreihe haben Sie einen privaten Zugang fur alle mit Garten direkt vor jedem Haus. Der Garten ist ca. 17 x 15m gross, also ca. 255m2.Das gesamte Grundstuck einschliesslich des Hauses ist 603m2 gross.Adriers ist ein beliebtes und lebendiges Dorf, das einen Gemischtwarenladen, eine Backerei, eine Post und eine Apotheke sowie einen sehr guten englischsprachigen Arzt hat. Es ware falsch, nicht zu erwahnen, dass es eines der wenigen Dorfer ist, durch das ich am Sonntagmorgen fahre, wo alles geoffnet zu sein scheint und ich einen Kaffee trinken kann!Die Anreise in die Region ist mit Flugen von vielen britischen Flughafen aus einfach. Die grosseren Stadte L'Isle Jourdain, Lussac-les-Chateaux und Montmorillon mit all ihren Einkaufsmoglichkeiten, Bars, Restaurants und Annehmlichkeiten sind 13, 21 bzw. 24 Minuten entfernt.Lussac-les-Chateaux und Montmorillon haben Bahnhofe mit Verbindungen nach Limoges und Poitiers; letzterer bietet plattformubergreifende TGV-Verbindungen nach Paris, Bordeaux und anderen franzosischen Stadten sowie nach Brussel und London (uber Lille).Die Flughafen und Bahnhofe von Limoges und Poitiers sind jeweils etwa eine Autostunde entfernt.Das Haus ist doppelt verglast und isoliert und verfugt uber Wasser-, Strom- und Abwasserversorgung. In den Zimmern wurden Steckdosen (4 Adern) fur elektrische Olradiatoren installiert.A vendre - Maison renovee de 3 chambres - Adriers - VienneA vendre cette maison parfaitement renovee de 3 chambres avec jardin dans un hameau au bord du village d'Adriers dans la Vienne Nouvelle Aquitaine.Cette maison a ete renovee et transformee en une propriete exceptionnellement lumineuse, spacieuse et desirable, ideale pour les vacances ou la vie permanente. Vous pouvez voir en approchant cette propriete en bout de terrasse qu'elle est bien entretenue et soignee, et une fois a l'interieur, ce sentiment reste avec vous comme vous entrez dans l'espace de vie ouvert joliment concu, avec un escalier central vers le premier etage.La maison se trouve dans un hameau au bord du village d'Adriers qui a un magasin general/bar, un bureau de poste, des medecins, une pharmacie, une boulangerie et un lac de village avec un parc. C'est une excellente maison de vacances ou permanente et, a mon avis, a un prix tres competitif, compte tenu de la quantite de travail qui a ete faite au cours de l'annee derniere.Vous entrez dans la maison par la cuisine, qui est entierement equipee avec une nouvelle cuisiniere et une plaque de cuisson et qui a une cheminee ou vous pouvez ajouter un feu de bois ou de granules ; a votre gauche avec un escalier central en face de vous et un salon/salle a manger sur la droite de celui-ci. Le long du mur de facade se trouvent trois doubles fenetres, ce qui signifie que cette maison est tres lumineuse. Au bout de la cuisine se trouve une porte qui mene a la buanderie, qui a des portes dans une piece de stockage avec le chauffe-eau (il est cable pour beneficier automatiquement de l'electricite a tarif reduit pour le chauffage), une autre porte dans les toilettes du rez-de-chaussee avec un lavabo et des portes doubles dans la cave. Il y a egalement une double porte donnant sur le cote de la maison.A l'etage, vous disposez d'un palier de bonne taille qui pourrait facilement accueillir un bureau ou un espace informatique. Sur la droite, une porte donne acces a la chambre principale, qui est immense et dispose de sa propre salle de bains avec baignoire, double meuble-lavabo et toilettes. Cette piece offre de la place pour integrer un espace douche et un dressing.Au fond du palier, des marches menent a un deuxieme couloir qui comprend deux autres chambres et une salle d'eau avec lavabo et toilettes.A l'exterieur de la maison, il y a deux dependances sur le cote, ideales pour stocker des bches ; a l'arriere, il y a un terrain d'environ 5 x 3 m, avec un acces depuis la route. Sur le cote de la maison se trouve une zone adequate pour le stationnement et a l'avant de la rangee de terrasses, il y a un acces prive pour tous avec des jardins directement en face de chaque maison. Le jardin fait environ 17 x 15m, soit environ 255m2L'ensemble du terrain, y compris la maison, fait 603m2.Adriers est un village populaire et anime, qui dispose d'un magasin general/bar/restaurant, d'une boulangerie, d'un bureau de poste et d'une pharmacie, ainsi que d'un tres bon medecin anglophone. Il serait faux de ne pas mentionner que c'est l'un des rares villages que je traverse le dimanche matin ou tout semble ouvert et ou je peux prendre un cafe !Il est facile de se rendre dans la region grace aux vols en provenance de nombreux aeroports britanniques. Les grandes villes de L'Isle Jourdain, Lussac-les-Chateaux et Montmorillon, avec tous leurs magasins, bars, restaurants et services, sont respectivement a 13, 21 et 24 minutes de route, mais il n'est pas necessaire de s'eloigner d'Adriers si vous preferez vous detendre.Les gares de Lussac-les-Chateaux et de Montmorillon sont reliees a Limoges et a Poitiers, cette derniere offrant des liaisons TGV avec Paris, Bordeaux et d'autres villes francaises, ainsi qu'avec Bruxelles et Londres (via Lille).L'aeroport et la gare de Limoges et de Poitiers sont tous deux a environ une heure de route.La maison est doublement vitree et isolee, avec l'eau, l'electricite et le tout-a-l'egout ; les pieces ont ete equipees de points electriques (4 noyaux) pour accueillir des radiateurs electriques a l'huile.Te Koop - Gerenoveerd huis met 3 slaapkamers - Adriers - VienneTe koop is dit perfect gerenoveerde huis met 3 slaapkamers en tuin in een gehucht aan de rand van het dorp Adriers in de Vienne Nouvelle Aquitaine.Dit huis is gerenoveerd en omgetoverd tot een uitzonderlijk lichte, ruime en aantrekkelijke woning, ideaal voor vakantie of permanente bewoning. Je kunt bij het naderen van dit huis zien dat het goed onderhouden en verzorgd is, en eenmaal binnen blijft dat gevoel je bij als je de mooi ontworpen open woonruimte binnenkomt, met een centrale trap naar de eerste verdieping.Het huis staat in een gehucht aan de rand van het dorp Adriers, dat een winkel/bar, postkantoor, dokters, apotheek, bakker en een dorpsmeer met park heeft. Het is een uitstekend vakantie- of permanent huis en naar mijn mening tegen een zeer concurrerende prijs, gezien de hoeveelheid werk die het afgelopen jaar is gedaan.Je komt het huis binnen in de keuken, die volledig is uitgerust met een nieuw fornuis en kookplaat en een open haard heeft waar je een hout- of pelletvuur zou kunnen plaatsen; links van je een centrale trap voor je en rechts daarvan een woon/eetkamer. Langs de voorgevel heb je 3 dubbele ramen, wat betekent dat dit huis vol licht is. Aan het einde van de keuken is een deur die leidt naar de wasruimte, die deuren heeft naar een opslagruimte met de warmwaterboiler erin (deze is bekabeld om automatisch te profiteren van goedkope elektriciteit voor verwarming) een verdere deur naar een toilet beneden met fonteintje en dubbele deuren naar de kelder. Er zijn ook dubbele deuren naar de zijkant van het huis.Boven heb je een ruime overloop waar gemakkelijk een kantoor/computerruimte kan worden ingericht. Aan de rechterkant heb je een deur naar de grote slaapkamer, die enorm is en een eigen badkamer heeft met een bad op pootjes, dubbele wastafel en wc; je hebt in deze kamer ruimte om een doucheruimte en een kleedruimte in te bouwen; de eigenaars besloten om het hier bij te laten, maar hebben het zo gelaten dat je verder kunt gaan als je wilt.Aan de achterkant van de overloop is een trap die leidt naar een tweede gang met nog 2 slaapkamers en een doucheruimte met wastafel en wc.Buiten het huis heb je twee bijgebouwen aan de zijkant, ideaal voor houtopslag/opslag; aan de achterkant is een stuk land van ongeveer 5 x 3m, met toegang vanaf de weg. Aan de zijkant van het huis is voldoende parkeerruimte en aan de voorkant van de rij terrassen heb je een privetoegang voor iedereen met tuinen direct voor elk huis. De tuin is ongeveer 17 x 15m dus ongeveer 255m2.Het hele perceel inclusief het huis is 603m2Adriers, is een populair en levendig dorp, met een winkel/bar/eethuis, een bakker, een postkantoor, een apotheek en een goede Engels sprekende dokter. Het zou verkeerd zijn om niet te vermelden dat het een van de weinige dorpen is waar ik op zondagochtend langskom en waar alles open lijkt te zijn en ik een kopje koffie kan drinken!Je kunt gemakkelijk naar het gebied vliegen vanaf veel Britse luchthavens. De grotere plaatsen L'Isle Jourdain, Lussac-les-Chateaux en Montmorillon met al hun winkels, bars, restaurants en voorzieningen liggen op respectievelijk 13, 21 en 24 minuten rijden; maar je hoeft je niet vanuit Adriers te wagen als je liever gewoon ontspant en tot rust komt.Lussac-les-Chateaux en Montmorillon hebben treinstations met verbindingen naar Limoges en Poitiers; de laatste biedt TGV-verbindingen naar Parijs, Bordeaux en andere Franse steden plus Brussel en Londen (via Lille).Het vliegveld en treinstation van Limoges en Poitiers liggen beide op ongeveer een uur rijden.Het huis is voorzien van dubbele beglazing en gesoleerd met leidingwater, elektriciteit en afvoer; en in de kamers zijn elektrische punten (4 aders) aangebracht voor met olie gevulde elektrische radiatoren.

photo of 3 bed House for sale in Lathus St Remy

3 bed House for sale in Lathus St Remy

€ 169,500

This detached 3 bedroom farmhouse has been fully renovated. The property is in a lovely rural location, just 20 minutes from the popular riverside town of Montmorillon. There's a pretty garden, garage and lovely countryside views.On the ground floor a newly fitted kitchen, WC, living / dining room with a wood burning stove and access to the rear garden, shower room and garage / atelier.On the first floor there are 3 well presented bedrooms, a shower room and a further attic room used for storage but could be made into a 4th bedroom (subject to necessary permissions).There's 99m2 of habitable space and the dimensions are as follows:Ground floor:Living room/dining area - (27 M2)Entrance - (3 M2)Kitchen - (15 M2)WC - (1.3 M2)Shower room - (3 M2)Hall - (3 M2)First floor:Room - (27 M2)Landing - (10 M2)Bedroom 1 - (15 M2)Bedroom 2 - (3 M2)Bedroom 3 - (8 M2)Bedroom 4 - (12Outside:The garden is approximately 1/4 of an acre (1525m2) and wraps around the property with lovely views of the countryside to the rear. There's an attached garage of 13m2.Location:The property is in a rural hamlet, within easy reach of the riverside town of Montmorillon. The town has a weekly market held on a Wednesday morning and has a good selection of shops, cafes and restaurants. There's also a fantastic market at nearby Coulonges Les Herolles. It's one of France's largest open air markets and the oldest in the region.The airports at both Poitiers and Limoges are both about an hour away.At a glance:Bedrooms: 3Bathrooms: 2Receptions: 1Habitable space: 99m2Plot size: 1525m2DPE rating: DTaxe fonciere: 395 Euros per annumHeating: Newly installed heat pump (radiators) and a wood burning stoveDistance to shops: 15minsDistance to airport: 1hrDistance to ferry port: 4.5hrsPlease note: Agency fees are included in the advertised price and are payable by the purchaser. All locations and sizes are approximate. La Residence has made every effort to ensure that the details and photographs of this property are accurate and in no way misleading. However, this information does not form part of a contract and no warranties are either given or implied.Information on the risks to which this property is exposed is available on the Georisks website:* Countryside views* Pretty garden* Garage* Easy reach of two airports* 20mins from popular market town* Wood-burner* Double-glazing* Newly installed heat pump

photo of 3 bed Country House for sale in COULONGES

3 bed Country House for sale in COULONGES

€ 172,800

This beautifully renovated cottage manages to strike the perfect balance between the traditional and the contemporary. The property comes with a beautiful modern kitchen, large master suite, over 2 acres of land, several outbuildings and a lovely terrace, perfect for al fresco dining. The pretty village of Coulonges-Les-Herolles, with its excellent monthly produce market, is within easy reach.There's a generous 140m2 of habitable space and the layout and dimensions of the rooms is as follows:Ground floor:Kitchen - (27 M2)Living-room - (39 M2)Laundry room - (11 M2)WC - (1.3 M2)Hallway - (9 M2)First floor:Landing - (8 M2)Master bedroom - (25 M2) with en suite bathroom and dressing roomBedroom 2 - (10 M2)Bedroom 3 - (7 M2)Bathroom - (10 M2)Outside:The plot measures 2.5 acres in total. The garden is fenced, landscaped and thoughtfully planted, with a large natural pond. Across the road are the outbuildings and a smaller lawned area.Location:The property situated on the edge of a rural hamlet, close to the village of Coulonges-les-Herolles. There's a good bakery and restaurant in nearby Chaillac and the pretty riverside town of Montmorillon is about a 20min drive. The airport at Poitiers is just over an hour away and the ferry port at St Malo is about a 4.5hr journey.At a glance:Bedrooms: 3Bathrooms: 2Receptions: 1Habitable space: 140m2Plot size: 10,390m2DPE rating: DDrainage: Septic tankTaxe fonciere: 442 Euros per annumBroadband: YesDouble-glazing: YesDistance to shops: 10minsDistance to airport: 90minsDistance to ferry port: 4.5hrsPlease note: Agency fees are included in the advertised price and are payable by the purchaser. All locations and sizes are approximate. La Residence has made every effort to ensure that the details and photographs of this property are accurate and in no way misleading. However, this information does not form part of a contract and no warranties are either given or implied.Information on the risks to which this property is exposed is available on the Georisks website:* Beautifully renovated cottage* Contemporary kitchen* 3 bedrooms / 2 bathrooms* Master bedroom with en suite bathroom* 2.5 acres of beautiful grounds* Natural pond* Outbuildings* Good energy rating* Within easy reach of popular market town

photo of 3 bed Land for sale in COULONGES

3 bed Land for sale in COULONGES

€ 155,000

This detached 3-bedroom property is in excellent condition and comes with just under an acre of land and several outbuildings. The property is situated in the charming hamlet of Coulonges, amongst the beautiful countryside of the Vienne and within easy reach of shops and services.The ground floor has a fully-fitted kitchen, spacious living/dining area, which opens directly onto the garden. Upstairs are the three bedrooms, one of which has an en suite shower room and there's also a separate family bathroom.The living room has a wood-burner and there are electric radiators in the other rooms, along with double glazing throughout.Adjoining the house is a large 85m2 barn which is currently used for garden machinery and storage. There's also a separate garage.This property includes an 85m2 barn, a 20m2 garage, and a large garden of just under an acre. There would be plenty of space for a pool, subject to the relevant permissions.The property is conveniently located just a 9-minute drive from the village of Chaillac, which has bakeries, a butcher, restaurants, bars, pharmacies, and a renowned monthly local produce market.Nearby there's a lovely lake (with small beach), which is the perfect spot to cool off on a hot summers day. The property is also on the edge of the beautiful Brenne National park which is perfect for hiking, cycling and horse-riding.The larger towns of Montmorillon, Le Blanc and La Souterraine are all within easy reach. The airports at Limoges and Poitiers are about an hour away.The property has a total of 96m2 of habitable space and the measurements are as follows:Ground floor:Entrance - (10.46 M2)Kitchen - (13.12 M2)Living-room - (27.71 M2)First floor:Bedroom 1 - (13.28 M2)Bedroom 2 - (11.17 M2)Bedroom 3 - (10.11 M2)Bathroom / WC - (6.33 M2)Shower room / WC - (2.84 M2)Outbuildings:Barn - (85 M2)Stockroom - (11 M2)Garage - (30 M2)At a glance:Bedrooms: 3Bathrooms: 2Receptions: 1Habitable space: 96m2Plot size: 4279m2Parking: YesTaxe fonciere: 423€DPE rating: EBroadband: YesHeating: Wood and electricDrainage: Septic tankDistance to shops: 9minsDistance to airport: 1hrDistance to ferry port: 5hrsPlease note: Agency fees are included in the advertised price and are payable by the purchaser. All locations and sizes are approximate. La Residence has made every effort to ensure that the details and photographs of this property are accurate and in no way misleading. However, this information does not form part of a contract and no warranties are either given or implied.* 3-bed detached property* Just under 1 acre land* Outbuildings* Wood-burning stove electric radiators* Double-glazing* Good access to shops and services* Surrounded by lovely countryside* One hour from the airport

photo of 5 bed House for sale in VILLEMORT

5 bed House for sale in VILLEMORT

€ 350,000

5-bed renovated farmhouse in a beautiful setting with panoramic views and no near neighbours, yet just 7 mins from a very pretty riverside town with a good variety of amenities. Grounds of just over 2 acres surround the house and include a swimming pool and a beautiful old barn that has conversion potential.The necessary planning permissions would need to be sought, but the barn is a lovely old stone building of 200m2, currently used for storage and a home gym but there is obviously the potential to create an independent gite.Beautifully renovated and decorated, there is a total 180m2 habitable space. Here's the layout:Ground floorLarge kitchen/diner with island for informal meals and spacious dining area for entertainingSItting room with double exposure windows and Godin wood-burning stoveGround floor bedroom 1Ground floor bedroom 2Shower room with WCUtility roomFirst floorBedroom 3Bedroom 4Bedroom 5Family bathroomSeparate WCOutsideA long gravelled driveway winds down to the house. The grounds have a good collection of mature trees and planting and a good sized lawn. A paved terrace area is accessed via the kitchen and is perfect for setting up for breakfast, lunch or dinner in the garden. There are also lots of lovely seating areas dotted around the garden so you can take your pick depending on the time of day and how much sun/shade you would like.The swimming pool has a decked surround, ideal of sunbathing after a few laps of the pool.LocationThe house has no near neighbours, but is not isolated. The pretty riverside town of Saint-Savin is a few kilometres away and the larger town of Montmorillon is about 15mins away.At a glance:Bedrooms: 5Bathrooms: 2Receptions: 2Habitable space: 180m2Plot size: 8719m2Taxe fonciere: €853DPE rating: EHeating: Oil-fired central heatingDrainage: Septic tankNeighbours: DistantDistance to shops: 7 minsDistance to ferry port: Ouistreham, 3hr 50minsDistance to airport: Poitiers, 55mins. Limoges, 1hr 20minsPlease note: Agency fees are included in the advertised price and are payable by the purchaser. All locations and sizes are approximate. La Residence has made every effort to ensure that the details and photographs of this property are accurate and in no way misleading. However, this information does not form part of a contract and no warranties are either given or implied.Information on the risks to which this property is exposed is available on the Georisks website:* 5-bed renovated farmhouse* Panoramic views* No near neighbours* 2 acre grounds* Swimming pool* Large barn* 7 mins from pretty riverside town* 55 mins from Poitiers airport

photo of 3 bed House for sale in ADRIERS

3 bed House for sale in ADRIERS

€ 59,950

For sale is this 3-bedroom village house in the centre of Adriers in the Vienne Nouvelle Aquitaine.Lovingly cared for over the last 20 years, this tradition terraced house sits in the centre of the village close to the shop, bar, post office, doctors, chemist, boulangerie and village lake with park. It is an excellent holiday or permanent home for someone to put their own stamp on it and at a very competitive price.The house has a main living room to the front and a corridor leading to a downstairs bathroom with WC; a further corridor leads to the kitchen/dining room, which is fitted and has a door into the most private of courtyards, and a further gate leading to a garden at the very back of the row of house (this could be used as parking for a car or camper van as it has direct access to the street at the back of the house. Upstairs you have two bedrooms to the front of the house and a third which has a mezzanine. The courtyard space is large enough to sit out and eat, but very low maintenance should you not be there all year long.You also have a small outbuilding in the garden area and access to a well for water if required.Adriers, is a popular and lively village, which has a general store/bar/eatery, a bakery, a post office, and a pharmacy together with a very good English-speaking doctor. It would be wrong not to mention that it is one of the very few villages I pass through on a Sunday morning where everything seems to be open, and I can grab a coffee!Getting to the area is easy with flights from many UK airports. The larger towns of L'Isle Jourdain, Lussac-les-Chateaux and Montmorillon with all their shopping, bars, restaurants, and amenities are 13, 21 and 24 minutes away respectively; but you need not venture from Adriers should you prefer just to relax and unwind.Lussac-les-Chateaux and Montmorillon have train stations with links to Limoges and Poitiers; the latter providing cross platform TGV connections to Paris, Bordeaux and other French cities plus Brussels and London (via Lille).Limoges and Poitiers airport and train station are both around a one-hour drive away.The house has, Mains Water, Gas (Bottled), an insert fire, and mains drainage.Ground FloorKitchen/Dining Room - 4.7 x 3.5m with fitted units, door, and window to back of house and stairs to first floor.Corridor connecting kitchen to living room with door into:Bathroom - 4.3 x 3.1m with tiled floor, bath with overhead shower and pedestal sink with mirror, separate WC (2.1 x 1.3m) with water heater.Living Room - 5.4 x 5.6m with exposed beams double and single doors to the front of the property, insert fire and stairs leading to the first floor.First FloorLanding - 1.3 x 1.22m with doors to:Bedroom 1 - 4.7 x 2.5m with exposed beams, beautiful oak floor, fireplace surround and window to the front of property.Bedroom 2 - 5.4 x 2.8m with exposed beams, oak floor, and window to the front of property.Bedroom 3/Attic Room - 6.9 x 7.4m with window to the back of the property, stairs down to the kitchen and up to the mezzanine.Mezzanine - 5.2 x 5.2m (into eaves) with Velux and low-level windows.

photo of 2 bed House for sale in Le Vigeant

2 bed House for sale in Le Vigeant

€ 193,352

For Sale Bespoke Home, with Pool and Gardens in Le Vigeant - VienneOffered for sale is this bespoke Katahdin cedar log home which was specially imported by the original owners because of this company's strong presence in the American market. The company which is based in Maine was founded in 1973 and manufactures authentic cedar log homes, to client's specific requirements.On the edge of Le Vigeant and Bourpeuil, just over the bridge from L'Isle Jourdain is this great property is ready and waiting for you with some lovely views over this beautiful area.The house sits a few minutes' walk away from the viaduct, making the walk into L'Isle Jourdain itself a pleasure as it is a pleasant 15-minute walk to all local amenities, shops, supermarket and restaurants; not to mention of a wealth of longer walks and river-based sports activities.For those wanting longer walks the viaduct marks the start of a 23km country walk through some beautiful countryside to the town of Lussac Les Chateaux.The house benefits from underfloor heating and mains water, electricity and drainage. Surrounded by its own private gardens and woodland this is a solid building, which is unique and has the most comforting ambience.Downstairs the terraced decking around the pool takes you into a large open plan living/dining area of over 50m2 with an impressive, vaulted cathedral ceiling; from the dining area you walk into the newly added kitchen area; which leads you to the back door and the utility area. From the living area there is a door into the downstairs bedroom, which has an internal door into a shower room with WC.Stairs from the living area take you to a balcony and mezzanine (currently used as a TV Snug, with doors out to a balcony which looks toward the town of L'Isle Jourdain. On this level you also have the main bedroom, with its own shower room with WC.Outside you have 3473m2 of gardens, enclosed and with a gated entrance. To the front of the house, it is laid to lawn with fruit and ornamental trees. The pool is directly in front of the house and to one side of it is a music studio, which was built with full permission a few years ago, this is ideal for anyone wanting a separate office area or a great sleepover space. To the back of the house you have some woodland, with a few outbuildings for storage. To the side you have a paved area ideal for BBQ's together with ample parking for several cars.Poitiers airport and train station are about one hour away; Limoges airport is just over one hour's drive. The train station at Lussac Les Chateaux only 18 minutes away, which goes directly in Poitiers where you have TGV connections to Paris, Bordeaux, London Brussels.Ground FloorOpen plan with:Living/Dining Area - 7.6 x 8.2m with tiled floor, underfloor heating, wood burning fire; doors to pool terrace and the side of the house, five double windows to three sides, door to guest bedroom, open access to kitchen area.Kitchen Area - 5.3 x 5.6m with tiled floor fully fitted kitchen with island, and 4 double windows to three sides.Utility Area - 2.9 x 1.9m with doors to Shower Room with W.C. and back gardensGuest Bedroom - 3.9 x 3.7m with wood effect floor, underfloor heating and double window to side of house.Shower Room with W.C. - 2.4 x 1.9m with shower cubicle, vanity unit with sink and W.C.First FloorBalcony Landing - 4.6 x 1.2m leading to:Mezzanine TV Snug (ideal for last minute stop over guests) -5.4 x 2.8m with doors to:Outside Balcony - 4.5 x 1.7mMain Bedroom - 6.6m x 4m at deepest with wood effect floor, double windows to back and side of house and door to:Shower Room with W.C. - 2.4 x 2.3m with shower cubicle, vanity unit with hand basin and W.C.OutsideFenced and gated gardens of 3473mSwimming PoolWooded AreaCabin and StoreMusic Studio/OfficeZu verkaufen Massgeschneidertes Haus, mit Pool und Garten in Le Vigeant - VienneZum Verkauf angeboten wird dieses massgeschneiderte Katahdin-Blockhaus aus Zedernholz, das von den ursprunglichen Eigentumern aufgrund der starken Prasenz dieses Unternehmens auf dem amerikanischen Markt eigens importiert wurde. Das Unternehmen mit Sitz in Maine wurde 1973 gegrundet und fertigt authentische Zedernblockhauser nach den spezifischen Anforderungen der Kunden.Am Rande von Le Vigeant und Bourpeuil, gleich hinter der Brucke von L'Isle Jourdain, steht dieses grossartige Anwesen bereit und wartet auf Sie mit einem herrlichen Blick uber diese schone Gegend.Das Haus liegt nur wenige Gehminuten vom Viadukt entfernt, was den Spaziergang nach L'Isle Jourdain selbst zu einem Vergnugen macht, da alle lokalen Annehmlichkeiten, Geschafte, Supermarkte und Restaurants in 15 Minuten zu Fuss zu erreichen sind; ganz zu schweigen von einer Fulle von langeren Wanderungen und Sportaktivitaten am Fluss.Fur diejenigen, die langere Wanderungen unternehmen mochten, markiert das Viadukt den Beginn einer 23 km langen Wanderung durch eine wunderschone Landschaft bis zur Stadt Lussac Les Chateaux.Das Haus verfugt uber eine Fussbodenheizung, Wasser- und Stromanschluss sowie einen Abfluss. Umgeben von einem eigenen Garten und einem Waldstuck ist es ein solides Gebaude, das einzigartig ist und eine sehr angenehme Atmosphare ausstrahlt.Im Erdgeschoss gelangt man von der Terrasse rund um den Pool in einen grossen, offenen Wohn-/Essbereich von uber 50 m2 mit einer beeindruckenden, gewolbten Kathedralendecke; vom Essbereich aus gelangt man in den neu hinzugefugten Kuchenbereich, der zur Hintertur und zum Hauswirtschaftsraum fuhrt. Vom Wohnbereich aus fuhrt eine Tur in das Schlafzimmer im Erdgeschoss, das eine Innentur zu einem Duschraum mit WC hat.Vom Wohnbereich aus fuhrt eine Treppe zu einem Balkon und einem Zwischengeschoss (das derzeit als Fernsehzimmer genutzt wird) mit Turen zu einem Balkon mit Blick auf die Stadt L'Isle Jourdain. Auf dieser Ebene befindet sich auch das Hauptschlafzimmer mit einem eigenen Duschbad mit WC.Der Aussenbereich besteht aus einem 3473 m2 grossen, eingezaunten Garten, der mit einem Eingangstor versehen ist. Die Vorderseite des Hauses ist als Rasenflache mit Obst- und Zierbaumen angelegt. Der Pool befindet sich direkt vor dem Haus und auf der einen Seite befindet sich ein Musikstudio, das vor ein paar Jahren mit voller Genehmigung gebaut wurde, ideal fur alle, die einen separaten Burobereich oder einen grossartigen bernachtungsplatz suchen. Auf der Ruckseite des Hauses befindet sich ein Waldstuck mit ein paar Nebengebauden fur die Lagerung. Auf der Seite haben Sie einen gepflasterten Bereich ideal fur BBQ's zusammen mit reichlich Parkplatze fur mehrere Autos.Der Flughafen und der Bahnhof von Poitiers sind etwa eine Stunde entfernt; der Flughafen von Limoges ist in etwas mehr als einer Stunde zu erreichen. Der Bahnhof in Lussac Les Chateaux ist nur 18 Minuten entfernt, die direkt in Poitiers geht, wo Sie TGV-Verbindungen nach Paris, Bordeaux, London und Brussel haben.A vendre Maison, avec piscine et jardins au Vigeant - VienneCette maison en bois de cedre Katahdin a ete specialement importee par les proprietaires d'origine en raison de la forte presence de cette societe sur le marche americain. La societe, basee dans le Maine, a ete fondee en 1973 et fabrique d'authentiques maisons en bois massif de cedre, selon les besoins specifiques de ses clients.A la limite du Vigeant et de Bourpeuil, juste apres le pont de L'Isle Jourdain, cette superbe propriete est prete et vous attend avec de belles vues sur cette belle region.La maison se trouve a quelques minutes de marche du viaduc, ce qui rend la promenade a L'Isle Jourdain tres agreable. En effet, toutes les commodites locales, les magasins, le supermarche et les restaurants se trouvent a 15 minutes de marche, sans parler des nombreuses promenades et des activites sportives sur la riviere.Pour ceux qui souhaitent faire de plus longues promenades, le viaduc marque le debut d'une randonnee de 23 km a travers une campagne magnifique jusqu'a la ville de Lussac Les Chateaux.La maison beneficie d'un chauffage par le sol, de l'eau, de l'electricite et du tout-a-l'egout. Entouree de jardins prives et de bois, c'est une construction solide, unique en son genre et a l'ambiance tres reconfortante.Au rez-de-chaussee, la terrasse autour de la piscine mene a un grand salon/salle a manger de plus de 50 m2 avec un impressionnant plafond cathedrale vote ; de la salle a manger, on accede a la nouvelle cuisine qui mene a la porte arriere et a la buanderie. De la salle de sejour, on accede a la chambre du rez-de-chaussee, qui possede une porte interieure donnant sur une salle de douche avec WC.Les escaliers de la salle de sejour vous menent au balcon et a la mezzanine (actuellement utilisee comme coin tele), avec des portes donnant sur un balcon qui donne sur la ville de L'Isle Jourdain. A ce niveau se trouve egalement la chambre principale, avec sa propre salle d'eau et WC.A l'exterieur, le jardin de 3473m2 est clos et dispose d'un portail d'entree. Devant la maison, il y a de la pelouse, des arbres fruitiers et des arbres d'ornement. La piscine se trouve juste devant la maison et sur le cote se trouve un studio de musique, qui a ete construit avec une autorisation complete il y a quelques annees, ce qui est ideal pour ceux qui veulent un bureau separe ou un espace pour dormir. A l'arriere de la maison se trouve un bois, avec quelques dependances pour le stockage. Sur le cote, il y a un espace pave ideal pour les barbecues et un grand parking pour plusieurs voitures.L'aeroport et la gare de Poitiers sont a environ une heure de route ; l'aeroport de Limoges est a un peu plus d'une heure de route. La gare de Lussac Les Chateaux est a seulement 18 minutes, et va directement a Poitiers ou vous avez des connexions TGV pour Paris, Bordeaux, Londres et Bruxelles.Te koop Huis op maat, met zwembad en tuinen in Le Vigeant - VienneTe koop aangeboden is deze Katahdin cederhouten woning op maat, speciaal gemporteerd door de oorspronkelijke eigenaren vanwege de sterke aanwezigheid van dit bedrijf op de Amerikaanse markt. Het bedrijf dat gevestigd is in Maine werd opgericht in 1973 en produceert authentieke cederhouten woningen volgens de specifieke eisen van de klant.Aan de rand van Le Vigeant en Bourpeuil, net over de brug van L'Isle Jourdain staat dit geweldige object op je te wachten met een prachtig uitzicht over dit prachtige gebied.Het huis ligt op een paar minuten lopen van het viaduct, waardoor de wandeling naar L'Isle Jourdain zelf een plezier is, want het is een aangename 15 minuten lopen naar alle plaatselijke voorzieningen, winkels, supermarkt en restaurants; om nog maar te zwijgen van een schat aan langere wandelingen en sportactiviteiten op de rivier.Voor degenen die langere wandelingen willen maken is het viaduct het begin van een 23 km lange wandeling door een prachtig landschap naar de stad Lussac Les Chateaux.Het huis beschikt over vloerverwarming en leidingwater, elektriciteit en afvoer. Omgeven door zijn eigen privetuinen en bos is dit een solide gebouw, dat uniek is en de meest comfortabele sfeer heeft.Beneden kom je via de terrassen rond het zwembad in een grote open woon/eetkamer van meer dan 50m2 met een indrukwekkend, gewelfd kathedraalplafond; vanuit de eetkamer loop je naar de nieuw toegevoegde keuken; die leidt je naar de achterdeur en de bijkeuken. Vanuit het woongedeelte is er een deur naar de slaapkamer beneden, die een interne deur heeft naar een doucheruimte met toilet.Een trap vanuit de woonkamer brengt je naar een balkon en een mezzanine (momenteel in gebruik als TV Snug, met openslaande deuren naar een balkon dat uitkijkt op de stad L'Isle Jourdain. Op dit niveau heb je ook de hoofdslaapkamer, met een eigen doucheruimte met toilet.Buiten heb je 3473m2 aan tuinen, omheind en met een poortingang. Aan de voorkant van het huis is het grasveld aangelegd met fruit- en sierbomen. Het zwembad ligt direct voor het huis en aan een kant ervan is een muziekstudio, die een paar jaar geleden gebouwd is met volledige toestemming, dit is ideaal voor iedereen die een aparte kantoorruimte of een geweldige slaapruimte wil. Aan de achterkant van het huis heb je wat bos, met een paar bijgebouwen voor opslag. Aan de zijkant heb je een verhard terrein dat ideaal is voor barbecues en voldoende parkeergelegenheid voor meerdere auto's.Het vliegveld en treinstation van Poitiers liggen op ongeveer een uur rijden; het vliegveld van Limoges ligt op iets meer dan een uur rijden. Het treinstation van Lussac Les Chateaux ligt op slechts 18 minuten afstand, die rechtstreeks naar Poitiers gaat waar je TGV-verbindingen hebt naar Parijs, Bordeaux, Londen en Brussel.

photo of 4 bed House for sale in Availles-Limouzine

4 bed House for sale in Availles-Limouzine

€ 160,500

For Sale, Farmhouse on the Outskirts of Availles LimouzineThis farmhouse on the outskirts of Availles Limouzine, is set in a small hamlet of 3 houses, just up the road from the house is a small enterprise selling agricultural machinery. This is a rural but not isolated location with some beautiful walks and views on your doorstep.The hamlet is set high on the hillside and has the most exceptional views of the surrounding countryside. The village of Availles Limouzine is steeped with history and is one of several villages along this stretch of the river Vienne which offer good water sport facilities and are very popular holiday destinations with all nationalities.This house is on a very quiet land and has a large, attached garden of around 4000m2 which is fenced, and gated. To the right of the house is a large outbuilding divided into 6 different parts which have been used as workshops, garages and animal pens and an open hangar/car port. All are accessible from either the garden or the lane outside the house.Availles-Limouzine is a vibrant village with everything you need for everyday living as well as being situated on one on the prettiest sections of the Vienne River that I know!Getting to the area is easy with flights from many UK airports into Limoges (1 hour) and trains (16kms) having links to services to Poitiers train station where you have TGV connections to Paris, Bordeaux, London Brussels.Downstairs you have a large living room with open access to a dining area, an office/study, a fitted kitchen and a hallway with side door to the house and a downstairs WCUpstairs, the house has 4 bedrooms, a bathroom and storage; so ideal for a family; it has mains water, gas (cittern buried in the garden) and electricity, drainage is to a septic tank; which will be emptied before completion of the sale.For anyone looking for a good sized 4-bedroom home together with outbuildings ideal for ateliers and or animals; this property would be ideal.Taxe Fonciere € 659DPE: Consumption D 211Emission D 40Land 4 269m2House 167m2HeatingGas Central Heating

photo of 5 bed House for sale in Luchapt
photo of 3 bed House for sale in Plaisance

3 bed House for sale in Plaisance

€ 99,510

For Sale Village House with 3 Bedrooms and Garden.Set in a very pretty village is this 3-bedroom country home, with garden. The village is predominantly French with a few English and Dutch inhabitants/holiday homes and is not far from the town of Montmorillon (11kms) which as well as having shops, bars, and all other amenities needed for everyday living has train links to Poitiers and Limoges.Plaisance itself has its own fishing lake and is just down the road from the Gartempe river, which on its banks has the CPA at Lathus. The CPA has Canoeing/kayaking facilities (international events are held there) as well as an equestrian centre; so, plenty to do around here if you are that way inclined!Getting to the area is easy with flights from many UK airports into Limoges Poitiers (both a 1-hour drive) and trains at Montmorillon- 11km to Limoges and Poitiers, the latter having TGV connections to Paris, Bordeaux, London Brussels.Downstairs you have a kitchen/dining room, living room and bathroom with W.C., on the next floor you have 2 bedrooms, you then have a few steps to a lockable door, behind this door is a bedroom, shower room with WC, another staircase leads to a mezzanine. Across the lane from the house is the garden with a well, covered summer kitchen, shed for storage, wood store and BBQ.The property would suit has a permanent or holiday home.Taxe Fonciere: 441€ per yearThe house has Broadband, Mains Water, electricity and drainage, Gas (Bottled), Wood Fired Central Heating and is double glazed.Room SizesGround FloorKitchen/Dining Room - 6.2 x 5.4m (33.4m2) with tiled floor, exposed beams, 2 double windows to side of house, doors to side and front of house, original cupboard, fitted kitchen with gas hob; and stairs to first floor.Lounge - 4.3 x 3.9m (16.7m2) with tiled floor, exposed beams, wood burning fire with back boiler for central heating and large arched picture window.Bathroom - 3.5 x 2.7m (9.4m2) with tiled floor and walls, bath, walk in shower area, vanity unit with hand basin, storage cupboard housing central heating boiler and W.C.

photo of 4 bed House for sale in Lizant

4 bed House for sale in Lizant

€ 446,250

This beautiful 4 bedroom farmhouse is in immaculate condition. It comes with over an acre of land, large pool and several outbuildings. There's also an adjoining annexe which, with a little work, could become a very lovely gite. The property is located on the outskirts of a village, between the popular market towns of Ruffec and Civray.There's a very generous 366m2 of habitable space and the rooms feel large and bright. On the ground floor is a stunning double-height living room with mezzanine level. This room has direct access to the pool. The kitchen is large and fully-equipped and has a wood-burner.On the first floor there 4 bedrooms (one of which has ensuite bathroom), a bathroom, separate WC and the mezzanine (with balcony).Attached to the house, there's a separate annexe which would be perfect as separate guest accommodation. For it to be fully useable it would need the first floor room to be converted to a bedroom.Here are the room dimensions:Main house:Ground floor:Entrance - (33.4 M2)Living/dining/kitchen area - (36.71 M2)WC - (1.18 M2)First floor:Landing - (12.36 M2)Bathroom - (11.38 M2)WC - (3.1 M2)Bedroom 1 - (22.4 M2)Shower room / Lavatory - (13.16 M2)Bedroom 2 - (18.8 M2)Mezzanine - (49.26 M2)Bedroom 3 - (16.99 M2)Bedroom 4 - (12.75 M2)Attached gite:Ground floor:Living/dining/kitchen area - (42.2 M2)Corridor - (2.4 M2)Shower room - (3.4 M2)First floor:Bedroom - (4.4 M2)Outside:The total plot size measures 5438 M2 (1.3 acres). The property is accessed via double gates and there's plenty of parking. The garden is mainly lawned and has a wide selection of mature shrubs and trees. The swimming pool and surrounding terrace is to the rear of the property.Attached to the property is a barn and workshop. There's also a second barn which houses the oil tank and is used for storage.Location:The property is just outside the village of Lizant, where you'll find a bakery. The delightful market towns of Civray and Ruffec are both about 10mins away. Here you'll find a wide range of shops, restaurants etc as well as an excellent weekly produce markets.The city of Poitiers with its airport and TGV station is a 55min drive.Additional info:Bedrooms: 4Bathrooms: 3Receptions: 1Habitable space: m2Plot size: 5438m2Taxe fonciere: 1482€DPE rating: DBroadband: YesHeating: Oil-fired central heatingDrainage: Septic tankDistance to shops: 5minsDistance to ferry port: 4.5hrsDistance to airport: 55mins (Poitiers)Please note: Agency fees are included in the advertised price and are payable by the purchaser. All locations and sizes are approximate. La Residence has made every effort to ensure that the details and photographs of this property are accurate and in no way misleading. However, this information does not form part of a contract and no warranties are either given or implied.Information on the risks to which this property is exposed is available on the Georisks website:* Beautiful 4-bedroom farmhouse* Large swimming pool* Guest accommodation* Over an acre of land* Outbuildings* Lovely views of the country side* Close to market towns of Ruffec and Civray* 55 mins to Poitiers airport TGV station

photo of 4 bed Apartment for sale in MAUPREVOIR

4 bed Apartment for sale in MAUPREVOIR

€ 379,600

For Sale - Pristine, Energy Conscious Bungalow with Pool - VienneSet on a plot of 5630m2 in Mauprevoir in the Vienne; is this pristine bungalow with 288m2 of living space and a beautiful, covered terrace looking towards the pool. Someone was very energy conscious when building this bungalow and they installed Geothermic Underfloor Heating (serviced yearly), which also heats the water. That is a great benefit; but you could go a little further and add solar panels to the roof and make yourself almost off grid.The bungalow, which has 4 bedrooms; and would make an amazing family home or bed and breakfast is set at the edge of the village, giving it a privacy of its own together with beautiful views over the surrounding countryside. The size of the plot means that you could quite easily be self sufficient here with a few chickens and a well-planned vegetable garden; you already have a small orchard area with fruit trees; to give you a start.The village of Mauprevoir which is in department 86 (Vienne) and is close to the borders of 16 and 79; boasts a chateau within its centre ville together with a bar/restaurant/hotel, village supermarket, bakery, pharmacy, post office, library, health centre, primary school (there is a bus service for older children to go to secondary school), garage and a hairdresser. The village also has some very active community groups and I have been to their jazz festival a few times; which is a great day out.With all of the above you really do not need to leave the village if you do not want to, but if you do want the odd day out then the larger towns of Charroux (11km), L'Isle-Jourdain (15km) Savigne (17km) Civray (22km) and Confolens (23km) all have supermarkets (Savigne having a very large commercial centre) and all other amenities you may need; together with some amazing cultural and natural sights; something for everyone.The commune also maintains a lovely park area, with a children's play area, fishing lake and tennis court, an ideal paradise for families.Getting to the area is easy with flights from many UK airports into Limoges and Poitiers Airports; both being around a 1-hour drive away. Train links from Poitiers train station have TGV connections to Paris, Bordeaux, London Brussels. You also have Bordeaux airport just 2 hours away.The house has mains water, electricity, is double glazed with electric shutters; geothermic underfloor and water heating and drainage is to a conforming fosse. Fibre internet connection, I am told is imminent in the village.NB: It should be noted that most of the furniture and white goods could be included in the sale if required and subject to negotiation.The interior of the property is quite splendid and consists of:Hallway - 18.1 x 2.6m - With disabled access and carpeted throughout with access to all rooms and excellent storage facilities.W.C. - 2.1 x 1.7m with tiled floor; fitted units, and hand basin.Lounge/Dining Room - 12 x 6.3m with Karndean flooring, stone fireplace, 2 patio doors with electric shutters, leading to the terrace, patio, and garden. French doors leading to the hall and French doors leading to the kitchen, electric sockets, satellite Tv points.Kitchen /Breakfast - 7.8 x 4.4m (widening to 7.2) with tiled floor, modern kitchen units, integrated appliances, bespoke custom-made work surfaces. 2 electric ovens, microwave, fridge and dishwasher, ceramic hob unit, electric extractor fan, and sink. Patio doors to the garden/covered terrace and doors to the living/ding room and main hallway.Utility Room ('L' Shaped) - 3.4 x 1.7m and 3.9 x 1.7m wide with fitted units and plumbing for washing machine. Doors to the main hallway and the garden where a portable (this can be left if required) outdoor cat enclosure is situated.Master Bedroom - 5 x 4.4m with carpet flooring, large, fitted wardrobe with rails, shelves and sliding doors. French doors to the rear garden; separate window and doors to main hallway and:Master Bedroom Ensuite - 3.4 x 3m with tiled floor and walls, window with courtesy glass, fitted units and a white suite of 2 wash basins, toilet, bidet, corner bath, 900 x 1200 shower cubicle with new thermostatic controlled shower and glass sliding door.Bedroom 2 - 3.8 x 3.5m wide - with carpet flooring, large, fitted wardrobe with rails, shelves and sliding doors, window overlooking the front garden and doors to main hallway and:Bedroom 2 Ensuite - 2.7 x 2m - with tiled floor and walls, window with metal grid, a white suite of a wash basin, toilet, and 900 x 900 glass shower cubicle with hinged door.Bedroom 3 - 3.8 long x 3.5 wide - with tiled floor, a large wardrobe with rail and shelves and sliding doors, window overlooking the front garden and doors to main hallway and:Bedroom 3 Ensuite - 2.7 x 2.1m with tiled floor and walls, window with metal grid, a white suite of a wash basin, toilet, and 900 x 900 glass shower cubicle with hinged door.Bedroom 4 - 3.1 x 3m - With tiled floor, large cupboard, window overlooking the front garden. Door leading to hall.Linen Cupboard - 4.3 x 1.6m situated in the hallway.Garage - 7.7 x 5m - with a mezzanine floor with main door to the front of the house and a secondary door to the garden.The gardens are secure and mainly laid to lawn with gravelled areas for the driveway, parking and walkways to buildings and mature shrubs and fruit trees. To the back of the house, overlooking stunning countryside you have:Covered Terrace

photo of 3 bed House for sale in Moulismes

3 bed House for sale in Moulismes

€ 15,000

THE OWNER, THROUGH ME; HAS ACCEPTED AN OFFER ON THIS PROPERTYOUR AGENCY IS ALWAYS LOOKING FOR NEW PROPERTIES TO ADD TO ITS PORTFOLIO AS PROPERTIES ARE SELLING ON A WEEKLY BASIS.For Sale - 3 Bed House with attached Garden in Moulismes - VienneFor sale, is this 3-bedroom house in the village of Moulismes in the Vienne, Nouvelle Aquitaine. The owners are selling it at a considerable loss because it needs work including the roof.The village has 2 restaurants and a general store. It is situated on the N147 Route National, previously the owners ran a B B from the house; but that is many years ago. The larger towns of Montmorillon and Lussac Les Chateaux are both 10 minutes' drive and both have supermarkets, and everything needed for day-to-day living including train links to Limoges and Poitiers.Getting to the area is easy with flights from many UK airports into Limoges and Poitiers (both a 1-hour drive) or the train from Montmorillon or Lussac Les Chateaux into Poitiers where you have TGV connections to Paris, Bordeaux, London Brussels.The house benefits from mains electricity, water, and mains drainage; it has a wood burning fire in the main Lounge.This house has been priced to reflect the work needed to bring it up to standard.Ground FloorEntrance - 2.2 x 1.5m with original tiled floor and entrance door and a door into:Dining Room - 5 x 4m with original tiled floor and doors to, garden, vestibule and:Living Room - 6.3 x 4.8m with wood floor and double window to front of house.Vestibule - 5.2 x 3.2m with the most beautiful double landing staircase, understairs storage; door with 2 side windows to garden and door into:Kitchen - 4.6 x 3.7 with original tiled floor, window looking over garden/courtyard and access to:Utility Area - 4.6 x 3m with window overlooking garden/courtyard.Half Landing - With door into:Shower Room - 2.7 x 2.1m with toilet, hand basin and shower cubicle.First Floor (Note the owners preferred I did not go up into the first-floor bedrooms, due to the roof issues; I have requested pictures).LandingBedroom 1 - 4.8 x 3.6 with door to:Bathroom - 2.3 x 1.7mBedroom 2 - 4.3 x 3.3mBedroom 3 - 3.3 x 2.8m with door into:Storeroom - 2.8 x 1.4mAttic - 10 x 4.6m (This is above the kitchen/utility rooms)Outside (to the back of the house only)Garage - 6 x 5mWorkshop/Store - 7 x 5.5mGarden - Approximately 132m2Completely private with high walls or house to all sides, terraced with patio and access to vestibule and dining room.Vente - Maison de 3 chambres avec jardin attenant a Moulismes - VienneA vendre, cette maison de 3 chambres dans le village de Moulismes dans la Vienne, Nouvelle Aquitaine. Les proprietaires la vendent a une perte considerable car elle a besoin de travaux, y compris la toiture.Le village dispose de 2 restaurants et d'un magasin general. Il est situe sur la route nationale N147. Auparavant, les proprietaires tenaient un B B a partir de la maison, mais cela remonte a plusieurs annees. Les villes plus importantes de Montmorillon et Lussac Les Chateaux sont toutes deux a 10 minutes en voiture et disposent toutes deux de supermarches et de tout ce qui est necessaire a la vie quotidienne, y compris des liaisons ferroviaires vers Limoges et Poitiers.Il est facile de se rendre dans la region avec des vols depuis de nombreux aeroports britanniques vers Limoges et Poitiers (tous deux a une heure de route) ou en train depuis Montmorillon ou Lussac Les Chateaux vers Poitiers ou vous avez des connexions TGV vers Paris, Bordeaux, Londres et Bruxelles.La maison beneficie de l'electricite, de l'eau et du tout a l'egout ; elle dispose d'un feu de bois dans le salon principal.Le prix de cette maison reflete les travaux necessaires pour la remettre aux normes.Zu verkaufen - 3-Bett-Haus mit angeschlossenem Garten in Moulismes - VienneZu verkaufen ist dieses Haus mit 3 Schlafzimmern in dem Dorf Moulismes in der Vienne, Nouvelle Aquitaine. Die Eigentumer verkaufen es mit einem betrachtlichen Verlust, weil es Arbeiten, einschliesslich des Daches, benotigt.Das Dorf hat 2 Restaurants und einen Gemischtwarenladen. Es liegt an der N147 Route National, fruher betrieben die Eigentumer ein B B aus dem Haus, aber das ist viele Jahre her. Die grosseren Stadte Montmorillon und Lussac Les Chateaux sind beide 10 Autominuten entfernt und haben Supermarkte und alles, was man zum taglichen Leben braucht, einschliesslich Zugverbindungen nach Limoges und Poitiers.Die Anreise in die Region ist mit Flugen von vielen britischen Flughafen nach Limoges und Poitiers (beide eine Autostunde entfernt) oder mit dem Zug von Montmorillon oder Lussac Les Chateaux nach Poitiers, wo es TGV-Verbindungen nach Paris, Bordeaux, London und Brussel gibt, einfach.Das Haus verfugt uber Strom-, Wasser- und Abwasseranschluss und hat einen Holzofen in der Lounge.Dieses Haus wurde preislich auf die Arbeit benotigt, um es bis zu Standard zu reflektieren.Te Koop - Huis met 3 slaapkamers en aangrenzende tuin in Moulismes - VienneTe koop, dit huis met 3 slaapkamers in het dorp Moulismes in de Vienne, Nouvelle Aquitaine. De eigenaren verkopen het met een aanzienlijk verlies omdat er werk aan gedaan moet worden, waaronder het dak.Het dorp heeft 2 restaurants en een algemene winkel. Het ligt aan de N147 Route National, vroeger runden de eigenaren een B vanuit het huis, maar dat is al vele jaren geleden. De grotere plaatsen Montmorillon en Lussac Les Chateaux liggen beide op 10 minuten rijden en hebben supermarkten en alles wat je nodig hebt voor het dagelijks leven, inclusief treinverbindingen naar Limoges en Poitiers.Het gebied bereiken is eenvoudig met vluchten vanaf veel Britse luchthavens naar Limoges en Poitiers (beide op 1 uur rijden) of de trein vanaf Montmorillon of Lussac Les Chateaux naar Poitiers, waar je TGV-verbindingen hebt naar Parijs, Bordeaux, Londen en Brussel.Het huis beschikt over elektriciteit, water en riolering en heeft een houtgestookte open haard in de woonkamer.De prijs van dit huis weerspiegelt het werk dat nodig is om het op niveau te brengen.

photo of 9 bed House for sale in GENOUILLE

9 bed House for sale in GENOUILLE

€ 650,000

This property consists of a large farmhouse as well as a more contemporary property that provides an excellent letting income. There are lovely grounds of 14 hectares, which includes parkland, woodland, gardens, barns and two swimming pools.The property was originally a farm and some of the buildings have been traced back to the 12th Century. Things have changed a bit since then! The two main properties are in immaculate condition have been fully renovated. They both have central heating and double-glazing.The main farmhouse has a very generous 304m2 of habitable space and consists of 4 en-suite bedrooms, farmhouse kitchen, living room, dining room, hallway, snug, utility area and second living room.The second house has 250m2 of habitable space and sleeps up to 9 guests. This property is currently used for holiday lets, which provides a good income. There's an 'American' style verandah, double-aspect lounge, kitchen, 4 en-suite bedrooms, games room and private swimming pool.A third rustic-style gite needs a bit of work but could sleep two guests. Although currently used for storage, it consists of an open-plan living room and kitchen, a separate bedroom and a shower room.Main farmhouse:Ground floor:Kitchen - 29m2 fully-fitted with base and wall cupboards, timber worktops and Range cooker.Rear lobby - 10m2 with door to garden and utility room.Study / snug - 22m2 with stone floor, log burnerLiving room - a double-aspect room 46m2, large light and comfortable room with stone floors, exposed beams, log burner (set in a traditional Charentaise stone fireplace), French doors opening into the garden.Dining room -28m2 with log burner, front door and doors to kitchen, oak staircase to the first floor with oak galleryDownstairs cloakroom/WC.First floor:Landing with polished floor and oak balustrade over the dining hall, windows to front and x 2 VeluxBedroom 1 -21m2 with en suite bathroomBedroom 2 - 21m2 with en suite bathroomBedroom 3 -13m2 with en suite bathroomBedroom 4 -19m2 with en suite bathroom and built-in wardrobesAll bedrooms have traditional features, beamed ceilings and polished timber floors.Outside:Two large barns - 149m2 with one open side currently used for parking and 216m2 enclosed barn. Both are in good condition and could easily be converted for equestrian use.Attached workshop - 39m2 with power supplyBoiler room - 6m2External access to cellar -30m2Second workshop -26m2Swimming pool - 8m x 4m with sun terraceHoliday home:This house is more contemporary and provides ample accommodation for 9 people with an opportunity to add the two further rooms, that are currently not used as guest accommodation. This property lets for 2.5K Euros per week in high season.American-style veranda with stone balustrade, lovely views over the surrounding countrysideEntrance hall with cloakroom .Study / office - 5m2.Lounge / dining room - 45m2 with stone fireplace and windows to three sides.Kitchen -18m2 pine units, white goods, stairs to first floor.Bedroom 1 - 15m2 with en suite bathroom.Bedroom 2 -15m2 with en suite bathroom.Games room - 32m2 currently providing space for table tennis, air hockey, football and pooltables. There is also a kitchen area.Bedroom 3 - 10m2 with en-suite.Bedroom 4 - 12m2 plus en suite bathroom.Boiler room / store 29m2.Potential Bedroom 5 - 14m2.Potential Bedroom 6 - 21m2.Family Bathroom.Attic space - 14m2.Externally: a private swimming pool 10m x 5m with surrounding terrace, gardens, garage and pool room housing the pool equipment.Rustic gite:This rustic gite is the former piggery and although it is attached to main house it's set back from it to offer more privacy. It is currently used for storage so would need some work to make it fully habitable. It has lots of potential and would make a lovely cosy and rustic hideaway with lovely views over the surrounding countryside.Entrance hall - 5m2 with flagstone floor, rustic door.Bedroom - 12m2 with feature rustic cupboards.Open-plan living area, including lounge 32m2 with log burner and concealed lights, leading into kitchen area of 9m2.Bathroom.Location:The property is approached by a long private road and is surrounded by beautiful organic farmland. Although in a peaceful and private location the bustling market towns of Civray and Charroux are both about 9kms away and both offer excellent weekly produce markets and a wide selection of shops, restaurants and leisure activities. The cosmopolitan city of Poitiers, with its airport and TGV station, is also within easy reach.Additional info:Bedrooms: 9Bathrooms: 9Receptions: 2Habitable space: 554m2Plot size: 14haParking: YesTaxe fonciere: TBCDPE rating: FBroadband: YesHeating: Central heating (oil-fired)Drainage: Septic tanksDistance to shops: 10 minsDistance to coast: 1h45minsDistance to ferry port: 4h15minsDistance to airport: 55mins (Poitiers)Please note: Agency fees are included in the advertised price and are payable by the purchaser. All locations and sizes are approximate. La Residence has made every effort to ensure that the details and photographs of this property are accurate and in no way misleading. However, this information does not form part of a contract and no warranties are either given or impliedxx* 3 separate properties* 2 swimming pools* 14 hectares of land* Outbuildings (with equestrian potential)* Good letting income* Close to popular market towns

photo of 3 bed House for sale in Luchapt

3 bed House for sale in Luchapt

€ 197,500

For Sale Pretty Country Residence at Luchapt - VienneFor sale is this pretty country house with barn in a hamlet in the commune of Luchapt in the Vienne, Nouvelle Aquitaine. It would not surprise me if this house was in a design magazine somewhere as the owners have exceptional taste.The house is situated in a hamlet just 1.5km from the village of Luchapt and was formerly 3 cottages, which have been converted into an extremely pleasing 3-bedroom home, with extensive gardens of over 3 000m2. The hamlet is not very large, and the house sits to one end with rural views to 3 sides. A peaceful hamlet but not very far from larger towns like, L'Isle Jourdain (8km), Availles Limousine (15km) and Confolens (25km).L'Isle Jourdain has supermarkets (Intermarche and COOP), restaurants, bars, Pharmacy etc together with outdoor activities on the Vienne River including a newly built water park.The international airports at Limoges (60km), and Poitiers (70km) for daily flights to several UK destinations are only one hour away. The nearest train station is Lussac Les Chateaux (30km) with train links to Limoges and Poitiers; the latter providing cross platform TGV connections to Paris, Bordeaux and other French cities plus Brussels and London (via Lille).The current owners bought around 2008 and have made 3 run down cottages into a very elegant and pleasing home.The house benefits from mains electricity and water; drainage is to a septic tank which would not conform but works perfectly well. The roof is in good condition. It is double glazed and has wood fires for heating.The gardens around the house are quite extensive with a large kitchen garden to the rear, featuring several raised beds for vegetables, poly tunnel and established fruit (vines, gooseberry, redcurrant, blackcurrant, blackberry, blueberry, strawberry. There are also apple and pear trees to the front orchard area.The house faces west and stays nice and cooler in the hotter months, it has been a long-term holiday home for the owners; hence they have installed two Solar Venti panels, these are solar radiators which pump warmed dry air into the property thus avoiding humidity issues should the house be empty for long periods of time.

photo of 2 bed House for sale in Saint-Remy-En-Montmorillon

2 bed House for sale in Saint-Remy-En-Montmorillon

€ 105,930

For sale house with private garden, pool with new liner and 2nd house to renovate in St Remy en Montmorillon in the Vienne, Nouvelle Aquitaine.The house will be sold with all furniture, fixtures and fittings.The village of St Remy en Montmorillon is near to Lathus St Remy which has several shops, including bank, boulangerie, and bar, together with an equestrian centre and sports complex on the river at Roc d'Enfer.It is also only 17kms from the riverside town of Montmorillon famous for its Cite de l'crit in the Vienne and 16kms from the Collegial town of Le Dorat in the Haute Vienne and sits calmy in the beautiful countryside on the Vienne/haute Vienne borders. This is a rural location an as such the light pollution is minimal meaning evenings are filled with amazingly clear skies full of celestial wonders.Getting to the area is easy with flights from many UK airports into Poitiers (70km) and Limoges (63kms) and trains in Montmorillon (17kms); having links to services to Poitiers train station where you have TGV connections to Paris, Bordeaux, London Brussels.A very pleasing house which has fuel central heating and mains drainage and is only a short distance from the river Gartempe which has some beautiful riverside walks.The house roof is the south-facing and would lend itself to having solar panels; an important consideration as we move ever close to more ecological forms of energy.Ground FloorEntrance Hall - with doors at either end and oak staircase leading to first floor and doors to living room and kitchen/dining room.Living Room - 4 x 4m with wood floor and double window to front of property and doors to the gardens.Kitchen/Diner - 4 x 4m with double window to front of property and doors to the gardens.First FloorLanding with doors to:Bathroom/W.C - with window to front of house; bath with overhead shower, W.C. and handbasin.Bedroom 1 - 4 x 4m with window to front of house.Bedroom 2 - 4 x 4m with window to front of house.

photo of 14 bed House for sale in Moulismes

14 bed House for sale in Moulismes

€ 691,600

For Sale Gite Complex near Montmorillon in the Vienne - Agency fees paid by the seller.Offered for sale is this exceptional gite/leisure complex, with pool and living accommodation near Montmorillon in the Vienne, Nouvelle Aquitaine.Over the past 15 years I have watched this couple turn a ruined farm into one of the most exceptional, gite complexes I have seen. I have known many of the tradesmen who have worked on this project with them; some of them I have used myself as they are well known for their workmanship in the area.The complex comprises of a 5-bedroom stone farmhouse, for living accommodation which has underfloor heating downstairs; 4 gites, a function room and 2 luxury safari tents, with facilities including a kitchen, but who wants to cook when you are on holiday!The gites and house have been renovated to an exceptionally high standard, this is a luxury complex, which has generated a good income for the owners over the years. The largest gite sleeps 6 people with one bedroom on the ground floor and two on the first floor. All 4 gites have their own outdoor areas, as do the luxury safari tents. You also have a well-equipped professional kitchen with an attached 90m2 bar/restaurant area, which gives even more potential for expansion.The location is perfect, near enough to central routes to be easily accessible, but far enough away to give peace and quiet, and within walking distance of 4 restaurants: in the village.You would be forgiven for thinking you are totally isolated sitting around the 10 x 5 inground pool, which has beautiful views over the surrounding countryside, yet you are only 9kms from the popular town of Montmorillon which has all the amenities needed for everyday living including a rail service to Limoges and Poitiers: the latter affording cross platform TGV connections to Paris and Bordeaux also London and Brussels.Limoges and Poitiers airports are around 1 hour's car drive away.The house benefits from mains electricity, water, and oil-fired central heating; with underfloor heating downstairs. All buildings are double glazed. The drainage systems for house and gites were installed in 2007 and 2014 and conform.Further information, pictures, and videos are availableInformation on the risks to which this property is exposed is available on the Geohazards website: www georisques .gouv frInformation on the risks to which this property is exposed is available on the Geohazards website: www georisques .gouv frInformatie over de risico's waaraan dit pand is blootgesteld is beschikbaar op de website van GeoHazards: www georisques .gouv frInformationen uber die Risiken, denen diese Immobilie ausgesetzt ist, finden Sie auf der Georisiko-Website: www georisques .gouv frZu verkaufen Gite-Komplex bei Montmorillon - VienneZum Verkauf angeboten wird diese aussergewohnliche Ferienanlage mit Pool und Wohnbereich in der Nahe von Montmorillon - Vienne, Nouvelle Aquitaine.In den letzten 15 Jahren habe ich beobachtet, wie dieses Ehepaar einen verfallenen Bauernhof in einen der aussergewohnlichsten Gite-Komplexe verwandelt hat, die ich je gesehen habe. Ich kannte viele der Handwerker, die mit ihnen an diesem Projekt gearbeitet haben; einige von ihnen habe ich selbst eingesetzt, da sie in der Region fur ihre Handwerkskunst bekannt sind.Der Komplex besteht aus einem steinernen Bauernhaus mit 5 Schlafzimmern, das im Erdgeschoss mit einer Fussbodenheizung ausgestattet ist, 4 Gites, einem Veranstaltungsraum und 2 luxuriosen Safarizelten mit einer Kuche, aber wer will schon kochen, wenn er im Urlaub ist!Die Gites und das Haus wurden zu einem aussergewohnlich hohen Standard renoviert. Es handelt sich um einen Luxuskomplex, der den Eigentumern im Laufe der Jahre ein gutes Einkommen beschert hat. Die grosste Gite bietet Platz fur 6 Personen mit einem Schlafzimmer im Erdgeschoss und zwei im ersten Stock. Alle 4 Gites haben einen eigenen Aussenbereich, ebenso wie die luxuriosen Safarizelte. Ausserdem gibt es eine gut ausgestattete Profikuche mit einem angeschlossenen 90 m2 grossen Bar-/Restaurantbereich, der noch mehr Moglichkeiten zur Erweiterung bietet.Die Lage ist perfekt, nahe genug an den zentralen Routen, um leicht erreichbar zu sein, aber weit genug entfernt, um Ruhe und Frieden zu bieten, und in Gehweite von 4 Restaurants: im Dorf.Man konnte meinen, man sei vollig isoliert, wenn man am 10 x 5 grossen Pool sitzt, von dem aus man einen herrlichen Blick auf die umliegende Landschaft hat, und doch ist man nur 11 km von der beliebten Stadt Montmorillon entfernt, die alle Annehmlichkeiten des taglichen Lebens bietet, einschliesslich einer Bahnverbindung nach Limoges und Poitiers: Letztere bietet plattformubergreifende TGV-Verbindungen nach Paris und Bordeaux sowie nach London und Brussel.Die Flughafen von Limoges und Poitiers sind etwa 1 Autostunde entfernt.Das Haus verfugt uber einen Strom- und Wasseranschluss sowie eine Ol-Zentralheizung und eine Fussbodenheizung im Erdgeschoss. Alle Gebaude sind doppelt verglast. Die Entwasserungssysteme fur Haus und Gites wurden 2007 und 2014 installiert und sind konform.A vendre Complexe de gites pres de Montmorillon - Vienne